Porchfest is an all ages artist/music festival featuring free shows on neighbors porches in the Moores Park Neighborhood. It will be Saturday, October 13 starting at 4:30pm ending with a movie showing in the park of ‘Beetlejuice’ – This is the 3rd annual event! More details will be coming soon.
Featured Musicians:
–Deacon Earl http://deaconearlblues.wixsite.com/icywatersbluesllc/about1-cm1s
–Kevin McCartney
–Mary McGuire – marymcguire.com
-Bart Moore – bartmooremusic.com
Featured Spoken Word Artists:
–Grace Carras – Co-Host of The Poetry Room at The Robin Theatre
–Suban Nur Cooley
-Ruelaine Stokes
–Masaki Takahashi – Co-Host of The Poetry Room at The Robin Theatre
Featured Movie in the Park at 7pm: